Sunday, April 20, 2014


  1. Biomes and climate
    • biome: group of similar ecosystems that cover a broad area
    • major subdivisions of biosphere
    • two types: terrestrial biomes and aquatic biomes
  2. Climate
    • average weather in an area over a long period of time
    • weather is day to day explanation
    • described in terms of temperature and precipitation
    • climate of location depends on distance from the equator and distance above sea level
      • factors also include location relative to ocean or mountain ranges
  3. Temperature
    • temperature falls from equator to poles
    • climates can be classified as tropical, temperate, or arctic
    • temperature falls from lower to higher altitudes 
      • ex. from base of mountain to its peak
    • ocean also plays an important role in temperature of an area
      • coastal areas have milder climates because temperature of the ocean changes little from season to season
      • affects temperature on nearby coasts
  4. Moisture
    • climates can be classified as arid, semi-arid, semi-humid, or humid
    • moisture of biome determined by both precipitation and evaporation
    • evaporation depends on heat from sun
    • precipitation patterns result from movements of air masses and wind
      • warm, humid air masses are moved north and south by global air currents
      • air masses cool and cannot hold as much water
      • drop moisture as precipitation
    • air masses are much drier at about 30ยบ north or south latitude
      • dry climates are found at these latitudes
      • warn and sunny, which increases evaporation and dryness
      • dry climates are found near the poles as well
      • extremely cold air can hold little moisture, so precipitation is low in arctic zones
      • also have little evaporation because of the cold
      • cold climates with low precipitation may not be as dry as warm climates with the same amount of precipitation
    • distance from ocean and mountain ranges also changes precipitation
      • one side of mountain range near the ocean may receive a lot of precipitation
      • warm, moist air masses regularly move in from the water
      • air masses begin to rise up over the mountain range
      • cools and drops moisture as precipitation
      • by the time it reaches the other side of the mountain range, they no longer contain moisture
      • land on the other side of mountain receives little precipitation
      • land is in the "rain shadow" of the mountain range
  5. Climate and Plant Growth
    • plants are the major producers in terrestrial biomes
    • all other terrestrial organisms depend on them directly or indirectly for food
    • plants need air, warmth, sunlight, water, and nutrients to grow
    • climate is major factor in affecting number and diversity of plants that can grow
    • climate determines average temperature and precipitation, length of growing season, and quality of soil
  6. Growing season
    • period of time each year when it is warm enough for plants to grow
    • time and length of growing season determines which types of plants can grow in an area
      • ex. near the poles, the growing season is very short because the temperature may rise above freezing for only a couple of months
      • slow-growing plants are unable to survive
      • near the equator, plants can grow year round if they have enough moisture
  7. Soil
    • plants need soil with nutrients and organic matter
    • nutrients and organic matter are added to soil when plant litter and dead organisms decompose
    • decomposition occurs very slowly in cold climates, so soil in cold climates are thin and poor in nutrients
    • soil is thin and poor in hot, wet climates too because heat and humidity causes rapid decomposition, so little organic matter accumulates in the soil
    • frequent rains leach nutrients from the soil
    • thick, rich soil is found in temperate climates and is best for most plants
  8. Biodiversity
    • refers to number of different species of organisms in a biome
    • biodiversity greater in wetter and warmer biomes, so generally decreases from equator to poles
    • rainforest has highest biodiversity of any biome on Earth
  9. Adaptations
    • plants, animals, and other organisms evolve adaptations to survive through abiotic factors
    • abiotic factors to which they adapt include 
      • temperature, moisture, growing season, and soil
    • biomes with dry climates have plants that adapt to aridity, such as special tissues for storing water
    • biomes with severe cold or dry seasons have plants that maybe become dormant during that season of the year
      • in dormant plants, cellular activities temporarily slow down so that the plants need less sunlight and water

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