Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Nervous System

  1. Nervous system is complex network of nervous tissue that sends electrical and chemical signals
    • includes central nervous system (CNS) and peripheral nervous system (PNS) together
    • CNS made of brain and spinal cord
    • PNS made of nervous tissue that lies outside of CNS
      • nerves in the legs, arms, hands, feet, and organs of the body
    • nervous system mediates communication between different parts of body 
  2. Nerve cells
    • two main types of nerve cells in nervous tissue
    • neuron 
      • "conducting" cell that transmits electrical signals, and structural unit of nervous system
    • glial cell
      • provides a support system for neurons and are involved in synapse formation
      • astrocytes: type of glial cell in brain, important for maturation of neurons and involved in repairing damaged nervous tissue
    • neurons and glial cells make up most of the brain, spinal cord, and nerves that branch out to every part of the body
    • both neurons and glial cells are referred to as nerve cells
  3. Structure of a neuron
    • neuron has a special shape
      • allows it to pass electrical signal to another neuron and other cells
    • electric signals move rapidly along neurons so that they can pass "messages" from one part of the body to another
      • called nerve impulses
    • neurons made of cell body (soma), dendrites, and axon
    • cell body contains nucleus and other organelles
    • dendrites extend from cell body and receive nerve impulses from another cell
    • cell body collects information from dendrites and passes it to an axon
    • axon is a long, membrane-bound extension of the cell body
      • passes nerve impulse onto next cell
    • end of axon is called axon terminal
      • point where the neuron communicates with the next cell
    • summary
      • dendrites receive information
      • cell body gathers it
      • axons pass information to another cell
    • myelin sheath
      • axons of man neurons are covered with this insulating phospholipid layer
      • speeds up transmission of a nerve impulse
      • outgrowth of glial cells
    • Schwann cells
      • type of glial cell
      • flat and thin, containing a nucleus and other organelles
    • oligodendrocytes
      • supply myelin to those of the brain or spinal cord
      • myelinated neurons are white, and makes up "white matter" in brain
    • myelin is not continuous along axon
    • regularly spaced gaps are called Nodes of Ranvier
      • only points at which ions can move across axon membrane through ion channels
      • nodes act to strengthen nerve impulse by concentrating the flow of ions at nodes of Ranvier along axon
    • neurons are specialized for passing of cell signals
    • many different shapes and sizes
    • synapse: specialized junction at which neurons communicate with each other
    • a neuron can have one or many axons
      • longest axon of human motor neuron can be over a meter long, reaching rom base of spine to toes
    • sensory neurons have axons that run over 1.5 meters in adults
  4. Ion channels and nerve impulses 
    • ion transport proteins have special role in nervous systems
      • voltage-gated ion channels and ion pumps are essential for forming nerve impulse
    • uses energy to build and maintain a concentration gradient between extracellular fluid and cell's cytosol
      • concentration gradient results in net negative charge on inside of membrane and a positive charge on the outside.
    • ion channels and ion pumps only allow certain ions through the cell membrane
      • potassium channels will only allow potassium ions through
      • sodium-potassium pumps acts only on sodium and potassium ions
    • all cells have electrical charge, due to concentration gradient of ions that exist across membrane
    • number of positively charged ions outside of membrane is greater that number of positively charged ions in cytosol
    • this charge difference causes voltage difference across membrane
    • voltage: electrical potential energy caused by separation of opposite charges
      • across the membrane in this case
    • voltage across membrane is called membrane potential
      • basis of conduction of nerve impulses along cell membrane of neurons
    • ions that are important in formation of nerve impulse includes sodium (Na+) and potassium (K+) 
  5. Resting potential
    • when a neuron is not conducting nerve impulse, it is at rest
    • resting potential: resting state of neuron, during which neuron has an overall negative charge
    • in neurons resting potential is approximately -70 mV
    • reasons for overall negative charge: 
      • sodium potassium pump removes Na+ ions from cell by active transport
      • net negative charge inside cell is because of higher concentration of Na+ ions outside of cell than inside of cell
      • most cells have potassium-selective ion channel proteins that remain open all the time
      • K+ ions move down concentration gradient (passive) through potassium channels and out of cell
      • results in a build-up of excess positive charge outside the cell
      • number of large, negatively charged molecules (proteins) inside the cell
  6. Action potential
    • electric charge that travels along membrane of a neuron
    • generated when neuron's membrane potential is changed by chemical signals from nearby cell
    • cell membrane potential changes quickly from negative to positive as sodium ions flow in and potassium ions flow out of cell through ion channels
    • cell becomes depolarized
    • action potential works on all or nothing basis
    • membrane potential has to reach a certain level of depolarization (threshold), or an action potential will not start
      • threshold varies (~15 mV)
    • if membrane depolarization does not reach threshold, then an action potential will not happen
    • first channels to open are sodium-ion channels, allowing sodium ions to enter the cell
    • increases positive charge in cell
    • starts up action potential
    • potassium-ion channels close, and sodium-potassium pump restores resting potential of -70 mV 
    • action potential will move down axon towards synapse like a wave
    • in myelinated neuron, ion flows occur only at nodes of Ranvier
    • action potential signal "jumps" along axon membrane, from node to node, rather than all along the membrane
    • due to clustering of Na+ and K+ ion channels at Nodes of Ranvier
  7. Types of neurons
    • neurons are specialized for processing and transmission of cellular signals
    • can be classified by structure of function
    • strucural classification is based on number of dendrites and axons that a cell has
    • functional classification is based on direction in which nerve impulse is moving in relation to CNS
    • sensory neurons
      • carry signals from tissues and organs to CNS 
      • are sometimes called afferent neurons
      • typically have long dendrite and short axon
      • found in reflex arcs 
      • involved in several forms of involuntary behavior, like pain avoidance (reflex) 
    • motor neurons
      • carry signals from CNs to muscles and glands
      • are sometimes called efferent neurons
      • long axon and short dendrites
    • interneurons
      • connect sensory and motor neurons in pathways that go through CNS
      • called association or relay neurons
      • found only in CNS where they connect neuron to neuron
  8. Communication between neurons
    • communicate with each other at specialized junctions
      • called synapses
    • also found at junctions between neurons and other cells
    • two types of synapses
    • chemical synapses: uses chemical signaling molecules as messengers
    • electrical synapses: uses ions as messengers
    • synaptic cleft
      • gap between axon terminal and receiving cell
    • transmitting cell is called presynaptic neuron
    • receiving cell called postsynaptic cell 
      • or, if it is another neuron, postsynaptic neuron
    • brain has a large amount of synapses
    • approx. one trillion neurons (including glial cells) have an average of 7,000 synaptic connections to other neurons
    • brain of a three year old child has about 10 quadrillion synapses
      • number declines with age
      • adult has between 1-5 quadrillion synapses
  9. Neurotransmitter release
    • when action potential reaches axon terminal, it causes neurotransmitter vesicles to fuse with terminal membrane
    • neurotransmitter is released into synaptic cleft
    • neurotransmitter
      • chemical message used to relay electrical signals between neuron and another cell
      • neurotransmitter molecules are made inside of presynaptic neuron and stores in vesicles at axon terminal
      • some neurons only make one type of neurotransmitter, but most neurons make two or more kinds of neurotransmitters
    • when action potential reaches axon terminal, neurotransmitter vesicles are caused to fuse with terminal membrane
    • neurotransmitter is released into synaptic cleft
    • then diffuse across synaptic cleft and bind to receptor proteins on membrane of postsynaptic cell
  10. Neurotransmitter action
    • neurotransmitters can have excitatory or inhibitory effect on postsynaptic cell
    • excitatory neurotransmitter
      • initiates action potential 
    • inhibitory neurotransmitter
      • prevents an action potential from starting
    • glutamate is more common excitatory transmitter in body
    • GABA and glycine are inhibitory neurotransmitters
    • release of excitatory neurotransmitter causes inflow of positively charged sodium ions into postsynaptic neuron
    • inflow of positive charge causes depolarization of membrane
    • depolarization spreads to rest of postsynaptic neuron
    • effect of neurotransmitter also depends on receptor it binds to 
      • a single neurotransmitter may be excitatory to receiving neuron, or it may inhibit an impulse by causing a change in membrane potential
    • synapses can also be excitatory or inhibitory and will either increase or decrease activity in target neuron
      • depends on opening or closing of ion channels
    • neurotransmitter receptors can be gated ion channels that open or close through neurotransmitter binding
    • can also be protein-linked receptors
      • not ion channels
      • cause a signal transduction that involves enzymes and other molecules in postsynaptic cell
  11. Neurotransmitter reuptake
    • reuptake
      • removal of neurotransmitter from synapse by pre-synaptic neuron
      • happens after neurotransmitter has transmitted nerve impulse 
      • without reuptake, neurotransmitter molecules might continue to inhibit or stimulate and action potential
    • reuptake is carried out by transporter proteins that bind to released transmitter and actively transports it across plasma membrane into pre-synaptic neuron
    • reuptake is target of some types of medicine
    • is a form of recycling because neuron takes back released neurotransmitter for later use
    • another way neurotransmitter is removed from a synapse: digestion of enzyme
  12. Neurotransmitters and diseases
    • Parkinson's disease
      • deficiency of neurotransmitter dopamine
      • progressive dead of brain cells give this deficit, causing tremors and a stiff, unstable posture
      • L-dopa is given as a medicine that eases symptoms of Parkinson's disease
      • acts as a substitute neurotransmitter, but cannot reverse disease
    • tetanus
      • Clostridium tetani produces neurotoxin
      • bacteria usually gets into body through injury cause by object contaminated with C. tetani spores
      • blocks release of neurotransmitter GABA
        1. GABA causes skeletal muscles to relax after contraction
      • when release of GABA is blocked, muscle tissue does not relax and remains contracted
      • can be fatal when it affects muscles used in breathing
      • tetanus is treatable and can be prevented with vaccination
    • botulism
      • caused by Clostridium botulinum 
      • produces toxin that is occasionally found in preserved foods that were improperly sterilized
      • butolin toxin blocks release of excitatory neurotransmitter acetylcholine
      • blockage of acetylcholine causes progressive relaxation of muscles because they are unable to contract
      • paralysis of muscles used for breathing can be fatal unless treated with a respirator
  13. Central nervous system
    • includes the brain and the spinal cord
    • largest part of the nervous system
    • brain is central control of nervous system
    • spinal cord carries nerve impulse from brain to body and from body to brain
    • together with PNS, it controls every activity in the body
    • brain is protected by skull 
    • spinal cord protected by vertebrae
  14. The brain
    • most complex organ in the body
    • contains about 100 billion neurons
      • can be connected to tens of thousands of other neurons in the brain
    • source of what makes us human: conscious mind
    • mind is set of cognitive processes related to perception, interpretation, imagination, memories, and language
    • regulates processes related to homeostasis (respiration and heartbeat, etc) 
    • average human adult brain weights 1-1.5 kg
    • brain uses about 20-25% of total energy used by adult body
      • in infants, uses about 60% of total energy
    • cerebrum
      • controls conscious functions
        1. problem-solving and speech
    • midbrain and stem are more involved with unconscious (automatic) functions
      • breathing, heartbeat, and temperature regulation
    • cerebrum involved in coordination and control of body movement
  15. Cerebrum (in detail) 
    • what most people would think of as the "brain" 
    • lies on top of the brainstem
    • made of two cerebral hemispheres
      • connected to each other at corpus callosum
      • callosum is a wide, flat bundle of axons found deep inside the brain
      • mammals have the largest and most well-developed cerebrum of all species
    • each hemisphere can be divided into four parts (lobes) 
    • frontal lobe, parietal lobe, temporal lobe, and occipital lobe
    • both hemispheres look identical
      • functional differences between them
    • each cerebral hemisphere receives sensory information
      • also controls muscle movements of opposite side of body
    • cerebral cortex
      • highly-folded outer layer of cerebrum
      • 2-4mm thick
      • lobes that make up cerebral cortex are named after skull bones that cover those areas of brain
      • many folds in cortex allows large surface area of brain to fit into skull
      • controls higher functions: consciousness, reasoning, emotions, and language
      • also controls sensory functions: touch, taste, smell, and responses to external stimuli
    • white matter
      • in the cerebrum and found below the cerebral cortex
      • made up of myelinated axons that act as "cables" to link up certain parts of the right and left hemispheres
  16. Diencephalon
    • region of brain that includes structures such as thalamus, hypothalamus, and portion of pituitary gland
    • thalamus believed to "translate" sensory signals for cerebral cortex
      • also plays important role in regulating states of sleep and wakefulness
    • hypothalamus controls certain metabolic processes and other autonomic activities
      • body temperature, hunger, thirst, and circadian cycles
      • makes and releases neurotransmitters that control action of pituitary gland
    • thalamus, hypothalamus, and hippocampus together are called limbic system
      • "emotional center" of brain
  17. Brain stem
    • sometimes called the "lower brain" 
    • lower part of brain that joined to the spinal cord
    • three parts: midbrain, pons, and medulla oblongata
    • midbrain
      • more involved with unconscious, autonomic functions
      • deals with several types of sensory information  (sound and sight) 
      • "translates" sensory information to be sent to forebrain
      • helps coordinate large body movements like walking and running
    • pons
      • relays messages to different parts of the brain (cerebrum and cerebellum) 
      • helps regulate breathing
      • might have role in dreaming
    • medulla oblongata
      • also called medulla
      • shares some function of pons
      • controls several homeostasis functions such as breathing, heart and blood vessel activity, swallowing, and digestion
    • brain stem is information highway
    • all information coming from body to brain and information from cerebrum to body go through brain stem
    • sensory pathways for pain, temperature, touch, and pressure sensation go upward to cerebrum
    • motor pathways for movement and other body processes go downward to spinal cord
    • most axons in motor pathway cross from one side of CNS to the other, passing through medulla oblongata
    • right side of brain controls movement of left side of body
    • left side of brain controls movement of right side of body
  18. Cerebellum
    • found just below occipital lobe of cerebrum
    • plays important role in coordination and control of body movements
    • many nerve pathways link cerebellum with motor neurons
      • neurons that send information to muscles, causing them to move
      • group of nerves that provides information on the position of body in space
    • cerebellum processes information from both pathways
    • uses feedback on body position to fine tune body movements
      • hand-eye coordination is a fine-tuned body movement
    • if cerebellum is damaged, there will be no paralysis, but fine movement of the body will be negatively affected
  19. Spinal cord
    • thin, tubular bundle of nervous tissue 
    • extends from medulla oblongata and continues to lower back 
    • ends in group of fibrous extensions
    • protected by spinal vertebrae
    • main function of spinal cord is an information superhighway that links sensory messages from body to brain
    • outer cortex of cord contains white matter
    • central region, grey matter, is made up of un-myelinated neurons
  20. Peripheral nervous system
    • consists of nervous tissue that lies outside the central nervous system
    • nervous tissue of PNS serves limbs and organs
    • CNS interacts with peripheral nervous system through twelve pairs of cranial nerves 
    • connects brain to areas of head and neck and 
    • 31 pairs of spinal nerves connect the spinal cord to rest of the body (such as internal organs, arms, and legs
    • nerve: an enclosed, cable-like bundle of axons
    • peripheral nervous system is not protected by bone, making it more vulnerable to toxins and injuries
    • spinal nerves originate from spinal cord
    • control functions of the rest of the body
    • each spinal nerve has a dorsal root and ventral root
    • dorsal root
      • nerve highway that carries sensory information from sensory receptors in body to CNS
    • ventral root
      • contains axons of motor neurons which carry information away from CNS to muscles and glands of body
    • dorsal and ventral root "highways" are parts of two subdivisions of PNS
    • sensory division
      • carries sensory information from sensory receptors in body to CNS
      • keeps CNS constantly updated on events happening inside and outside the body
    • motor division
      • also called efferent division
      • carries nerve impulses from CNS to muscles, glands, and organs of the body
      • nerve impulses causes muscles to contract and glands to secrete chemical signals
  21. Somatic and autonomic nervous systems
    • motor division of PNS is divided into somatic nervous system and autonomic nervous system
    • somatic nervous system
      • part of PNS that is associated with conscious control of body through movement of skeletal muscles
      • also through perception of external stimuli through senses 
      • includes all neurons connected with muscles, skin, and sense organs
      • made up of sensory nerves that receive sensory information from external environment
      • motor nerves responsible for muscle contraction
      • sensory, interneurons, and motor neurons are found in reflex arc
      • reflex: automatic (involuntary) action caused by defined stimulus and carried out through reflex arc
      • ex: person stepping on sharp object would start reflex action through creation of stimulus
        1. stimulus would be passed along sensory neurons to spinal cord
        2. usually process by interneuron to create immediate response by initiating a motor response by pulling the food away from the object
        3. reflexive action would occur as pain sensation is arriving in brain
    • autonomic nervous system (ANS) 
      • part of PNS that maintains homeostasis in body
      • body carries out these activities without conscious control
      • sometimes also called involuntary nervous system
      • ANS made up of sensory and motor neurons that send messages to and from internal organs
      • neurons form reflex arcs that pass through medulla oblongata
      • low level brain functions will continue to function, called vegetative state
    • ANS subdivisions
    • sympathetic division
      • stimulates body systems during emergency situations
      • gets body ready for "fight or flight" 
    • parasympathetic division
      • controls non-emergency functions like digestion
  22. Sense organs and sensory perception
    • senses are body's means of making sense of information your nervous system receives
    • enables you to adapt to change in environment and survive
    • sensory division is organized into developed sense organs
      • groups of tissues that work together in responding to a specific kind of physical stimulus
    • sense organs correspond to defined region within the brain where nerve signals are received and interpreted
    • sense organs include: eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and skin
    • all have sensory receptors that are specific for certain stimuli
    • chemoreceptors respond to stimuli
    • mechanoreceptors respond to mechanical stress or strain
    • thermoreceptors respond to temperature changes
    • photoreceptors respond to variations in light
    • baroreceptors respond to pressure
    • specific areas of brain interpret information from each sense organ
      • generally agreed that humans have at least seven different senses
      • sight, sound, taste, smell, touch, balance, and body awareness
  23. Sight
    • sight (vision) describes ability of brain and eye to detect wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation
      • interprets image as "sight" 
    • different receptors are responsible for perception of color or brightness
    • photoreceptors are found in retina
    • structure of eye focuses completely on the task of focusing light onto retina
      • light-sensitive inner layer of eye
    • light passes through clear protective layer called cornea
    • light then passes through the pupil, and into the interior of the eye
      • pupil is opening to the iris
    • then travels to lens
      • transparent, biconvex structure that helps to focus light on retina
    • muscles attached to lens change the shape of the lens to bend light rays so that they focus on retina
    • light hitting retina causes chemical changes in photosensitive cells of retina
    • retina has two forms of photosensitive cells: rods and cones
    • rod cells
      • highly sensitive to light, letting them respond in dim light and dark conditions
      • cannot detect color
      • the darker conditions become, the less color things seem to have
    • cone cells
      • responds to different wavelengths of bright light to initiate nerve impulse
      • responsible for sharpness of images
      • do not respond well in poor light conditions
      • three different kinds of cone cells
      • contains pigment that absorbs energy from different wavelengths of light to initiate nerve impulse
      • activation of visual pigments opens ion channels on membrane of cone or rod cell
      • leads to action potential, carried by millions of neuron axons, that make up optic nerve to visual centers of the brain
      • brain integrates nerve impulses from cone cells and perceives world in all the colors of the visual spectrum
  24. Hearing
    • sense of sound perception that results from movement of tiny hair fibers in inner ear
    • hairs detect motion of membrane which vibrates in response to changes in air pressure
    • can also be detected as vibrations that are conducted through body
    • sound wave frequencies that are too low or too high are detected as vibrations
    • pinna
      • folds of cartilage surrounding outer ear canal
    • sound waves gathered by pinna and channeled down auditory canal
      • tube-shaped opening of ear that ends at tympanic membrane, or eardrum
    • sound waves traveling through ear canal hits eardrum, causing it to vibrate
    • wave information travels across middle air cavity to the three, tiny delicate bones: hammer, anvil and stirrup
    • transfers eardrum vibrations to another membrane called oval window
      • separates middle ear from inner ear
      • inner ear contains cochlea
    • cochlea
      • coiled tube that is filled with watery liquid
      • moves in response to vibrations coming from middle ear through oval window
      • hair cells (mechanoreceptors) bend, releasing neurotransmitter
      • causes and action potential in neurons of auditory nerve
      • travels along auditory nerve to structures in brainstem
      • loud noise can kill hair cells
      • common cause of partial hearing loss
      • hairs never grow back once they are destroyed
  25. Balance and the ears
    • ears are also in charge of sense of balance
    • semicircular canals are three fluid-filled, interconnected tubes found inside each ear
    • canal filled with fluid called endolymph 
      • cilia lines each canal
    • movement of head and body cause endolymph in canals to move about
    • hair cells sense strength and direction of fluid's movement, and sends electrical signals to cerebellum
      • interprets information and responds to help keep body's sense of balance
    • when sense of balance is interrupted, it causes dizziness and nausea
    • balance can be upset by inner ear infection, or a number of other medical conditions
    • can be temporarily disturbed by rapid and repetitive movement
  26. Taste
    • four types of taste receptors on tongue
    • taste stimuli sends information to different region of the brain
    • detects sweet, salt, sour, and bitter
    • umami, a fifth receptor, was confirmed in 2000
      • detects amino acid glutamate, which causes a savory, "meaty" flavor in foods
    • chemoreceptors of mouth are taste cells found in bundles called taste buds
    • most are embedded within tiny papillae, or bumps, that cover the tongue
    • each receptor has a different way of detecting certain compounds and starting action potential, alerting the brain
    • compounds bind to receptors in taste cells and stimulate neurons in taste buds
    • action potential moves along facial nerves to thalamus, then to taste center of cerebral cortex for interpretation by the brain
    • tongue can feel temperature, coolness (minty), spiciness, and fattiness (greasy) 
  27. Smell
    • other "chemical" sense
    • chemoreceptors of smell are called olfactory receptors
    • 40 million olfactory receptor neurons line the nasal passages
    • different molecules bind to and excite specific olfactory receptors
    • combination of excitatory signals makes up what we identify as "smell" 
    • signals from receptors travel along nerves to olfactory bulb in the brain
      • moves to smell center in frontal lobe of cerebral cortex
      • olfactory neurons in nose differ fro most other neurons
      • die and regenerate on regular basis
    • sense of taste and smell are closely linked
    • nasal cavity connects to mouth at back of throat
    • olfactory receptors and taste receptors both contribute to the flavor of food
  28. Touch, pressure, and pain
    • sense of pressure perception, generally felt in skin
    • variety of pressure receptors that respond to variations in pressure and tension
    • mechanoreceptors most numerous on tongue, lips, face, palms, and soles of feet
    • nociceptors
      • respond to potentially damaging stimuli
      • mostly found in external parts of body: skin, cornea, and mucous membranes
      • also found in muscles, joints, and some internal organs
      • classified according to stimuli to which they respond
    • thermal, mechanical, or chemical
      • thermal receptors: activated by potentially harmful heat or cold
      • mechanical receptors: respond to excess pressure, squeezing, or bending
  29. Drugs and the nervous system
    • drugs
      • andy chemical or biological substance that affects body's structure of functions
      • can be used to treat many illnesses or disorders
    • medicine
      • drug that is taken to cure or reduce symptoms of an illness
    • drugs can be abused for the effects they have on the CNS
    • psychoactive drug
      • substance that affects CNS by altering cognitive function
      • results in change of how a person feels, thinks, perceives, and acts
      • coffee or tea contains psychoactive drug caffeine
      • psychoactive drugs affect how neurons communicate with each other
      • can alter neurotransmission by blocking receptor protein
      • some effects are beneficial, like taking a prescribed painkiller to ease pain of broken bone
      • some are harmful, like if a person takes a strong painkiller long after their broken bone
  30. Drug abuse
    • repeated use of drug without advice or guidance of medical professional
      • used for reasons other than what drug was originally intended for
      • if a person uses the drug continuously, they may find they cannot function normally without the drug
      • called physical dependence
      • psychological dependence: emotionally or mentally needing a drug to be able to function normally
      • eventually need to take larger doses of drug to get desired effect, known as building a tolerance to the drug
    • person who is abusing a drug may eventually lose control of drug-taking behavior, and resort to stealing and lying to get money or drugs
      • addiction
      • drug addict's life revolves around getting more drugs to feed their habit
    • some people can lead to drug overdose if they keep on increasing the dose
      • generally considered harmful and may lead to death
    • drug dependence and addiction are caused by changes in the way neurons in the CNS send and receive neurotransmitters
    • dependency and addiction are treated as brain disorders by medical professionals
    • stimulants
      • cocaine, nicotine, amphetamine
      • increases activity of sympathetic nervous system, central nervous system, or both
      • generally increase heart rate, blood pressure, and increase sense of alertness
      • caffeine are used medicinally to increase or maintain alertness, and to counteract fatigue
      • high doses can be fatal
    • hypnotics
      • depressants
      • alcohol, codeine, barbiturates, and benzodiazepines
      • decrease activity of central nervous system
      • slows down brain function and gives drowsy or calm feeling
      • taking too much can lead to slow breathing and slow heart rates, and can lead to death
      • depressants increases activity of inhibitory neurotransmitters GABA
      • promotes sleep
      • slows down brain function and causes drowsy and calm feeling
      • generally prescribed to relieve symptoms of anxiety or insomnia
    • hallucinogens
      • also known as psychedelic drugs
      • do not increase or decrease a certain feeling or emotion
      • induce experiences, such as sensory distortions and "out of body experiences" 
      • different from those of ordinary consciousness
      • often called trance-like states
      • has been linked to potential for brain damage
    • drugs that increase activity on particular neurotransmitters are called agonists
    • drugs that reduce neurotransmitter activity are called antagonists
      • work by interfering withs synthesis
      • also blocks postsynaptic receptors so neurotransmitters cannot bind to them
    • different drugs affect different parts of the brain
  31. How addiction happens
    • neurobiological theory of addiction proposes that certain chemical pathways are changed in the brain of an addicted person
    • most abused drugs affect brain structures in the limbic system
      • called the brain rewards system
      • provides feeling of pleasure that motivates person to perform certain activities over and over again
      • dopamine released at synapses by neurons when person has a pleasurable experience
      • this mechanisms has evolved to ensure survival of organisms
    • some drugs (cocaine, nicotine, amphetamines, and alcohol) increase the amount of dopamine in the limbic structure
      • tricks body into thinking that drug is good and important for survival
    • drugs that affect brain reward system are highly addictive
      • nicotine is highly addictive
    • many psychoactive substances are abused for their mood and perception altering effects
    • drugs that have no medical uses and high potential for abuse are usually illegal
    • not all drugs are physically addictive

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