Monday, March 31, 2014

Protein Synthesis in Detail

Transcription (in eukaryotes)

  1. DNA --> RNA
    • Binds RNA polymerase to promoter of a gene
  2. Transcription elongation
    • Adds RNA nucleotides
    • DNA in front of RNA unwinds and RNA nucleotides are added to the 3' end of the RNA transcript
    • Has a short DNA-RNA hybrid, 8 base pairs, where RNA is temporarily hydrogen-bonded to the DNA template strand
    • mRNA can involve multiple RNA polymerases, so numerous mRNA's are produced from a single gene
    • also involves proofreading mechanism that can replace RNA nucleotide
  3. Termination of transcription (eukaryotes) 
    • Adds string of A's to mRNA 3' end
    • Proteins cut RNA transcript from polymerase
    • Produces pre-mRNA step
  4. Pre-mRNA processing
    • Splicing
      • exons: region of a gene that contains code for producing a protein
      • introns: long regions of DNA that have no identified function
      • splicing: introns are removed by spliceosome
    • 5' cap addition
      • modified guanine nucleotide added to the 5'-end of the mRNA
      • crucial for recognition and proper attachment of mRNA to the ribosome
  5. Polyadenylation
    • addition of poly-A tail to 3' end of mRNA
    • protects mRNA from degradation by exonucleases
  6. Genetic code
    • start and stop codons
      • start: AUG
      • stop: UAG, UGA, UAA
  7. Reading frame
    • starts reading in a frame of 3 nucleotides
    • frameshift mutations: insertions or deletions of 3 nucleotide bases
    • If reading frame is disrupted, mRNA may not be translated correctly
    • results in premature stop codon = smaller protein with no function
Translation (RNA-protein)

  1. Ribosomes
    • has three binding sites (E, P, A) 
    • initiation, elongation, and termination
  2. Initiation (eukaryotes) 
    • tRNA binds to AUG codon on mRNA
    • translation can begin at all AUG codons
      • only in-frame AUG will produce functional polypeptide
  3. Elongation
    • start tRNA sitting on AUG codon in P site next available codon at A site
    • tRNA binds to codon and peptide bond joins between AUG and next amino acid
    • entire ribosome complex moves along mRNA
      • sends first tRNA to E site and tRNA into P site
  4. Termination
    • occurs when ribosome comes to one of stop codons

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