Monday, March 31, 2014


  1. Homeostasis: stability, balance, or equilibrium within a cell or body. 
    • organism's ability to keep constant internal environment
    • adjustments must be made continuously to stay near a set point
  2. Feedback regulation loops
    • endocrine system plays important role
      • hormones regulate activity of body cells
    • response to stimulus changes internal conditions
    • self-adjusting mechanism is feedback regulation
    • negative feedback: response to stimulus reduces original stimulus
    • positive feedback: response to stimulus increases original stimulus
  3. Negative feedback loop
    • most common feedback loop
    • acts to reverse the direction of change
      • Examples: carbon dioxide increase signals lungs to increase activity and exhale more carbon dioxide (breathing rate increases) 
      • Body temperatures rises, receptors sense temperature change and send signals to the brain
        1. Skin makes sweat and blood vessels near skin surface dilate
    • positive feedback is less common in biological systems
      • speed up direction of change
      • Ex. Lactation. Baby suckles = more milk production
      • since positive feedback speeds up direction of change, it leads to increasing hormone concentration, which is a state further away from homeostasis
  4. Examples of homeostasis in animals
    • regulation of amounts of water and minerals in body (osmoregulation) happens in the kidneys
    • removal of metabolic waste (excretion). Done by kidneys and lungs. 
    • regulation of body temperature, done mostly by skin
    • regulation of blood glucose level. Mostly done by liver and insulin and glucagon secreted by pancreas
  5. Endocrine system
    • includes glands that secrete hormones into bloodstream
    • hormones: created by cells that change other cells; messengers
    • regulates metabolism and development through feedback mechanisms
    • endocrine system release hormones that affect skin and hair color, appetite, and secondary sexy characteristics in humans
  6. Urinary system
    • rids body of protein and nucleic acid buildup in the blood
    • directly involved in maintaining blood volume
    • kidneys maintain correct salt and water content in body
  7. Reproductive system
    • does little for homeostasis of organism
    • sex hormones have affect on other body systems
    • no estrogen (from ovaries) = impaired bone development
  8. Disruption of Homeostasis
    • may lead to state of disease
    • caused by two ways
      • deficiency: cells not getting what they need
      • toxicity: cells being poisoned by things they don't need
    • when interrupted, body can become better or worse depending on external influences
  9. Internal influences
    • genetics
    • some genes can be turned on or off depending on external factors
    • some cannot be stopped from developing diseases and disorders
      • medicine can help body return to homeostasis
    • Example: Type 1 diabetes
      • insulin replacement therapy brings body's handling of glucose back into balance
  10. External influences
    • nutrition: if diet lacks certain vitamins or minerals the cells will function poorly, and increases risk of developing disease
    • physical activity: essential for proper functioning of cells and bodies
      • adequate rest and regular physical activity is important
  11. Mental health
    • mental and physical health are inseparable
    • negative stress can negatively affect mental health
    • physical activity increases mental and physical wellbeing

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